Source code for pyrpo.pyrpo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
"""Search for code repositories and generate reports"""

import datetime
import errno
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from collections import deque, namedtuple
from distutils.util import convert_path
from itertools import chain, imap, izip_longest

# TODO: arrow
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date

    from collections import OrderedDict as Dict
except ImportError as e:
    Dict = dict

# def parse_date(*args, **kwargs):
#     print(args)
#     print(kwargs)

# logging.basicConfig()
log = logging.getLogger('pyrpo')

[docs]def dtformat(time): return time.strftime('%F %T%z')
[docs]def itersplit(s, sep=None): """ Split a string by ``sep`` and yield chunks Args: s (str-type): string to split sep (str-type): delimiter to split by Yields: generator of strings: chunks of string s """ if not s: yield s return exp = re.compile(r'\s+' if sep is None else re.escape(sep)) pos = 0 while True: m =, pos) if not m: if pos < len(s) or sep is not None: yield s[pos:] break if pos < m.start() or sep is not None: yield s[pos:m.start()] pos = m.end()
DEFAULT_FSEP = ' ||| ' DEFAULT_LSEP = ' |..|' # DEFAULT_FSEP=u' %s ' % unichr(0xfffd) # DEFAULT_LSEP=unichr(0xfffc)
[docs]def itersplit_to_fields(str_, fsep=DEFAULT_FSEP, revtuple=None, fields=[], preparse=None): """ Itersplit a string into a (named, if specified) tuple. Args: str_ (str): string to split fsep (str): field separator (delimiter to split by) revtuple (object): namedtuple (or class with a ``._fields`` attr) (optional) fields (list of str): field names (if revtuple is not specified) preparse (callable): function to parse str with before itersplitting Returns: tuple or revtuple: fields as a tuple or revtuple, if specified """ if preparse: str_ = preparse(str_) _fields = itersplit(str_, fsep) if revtuple is not None: try: values = (t[1] for t in izip_longest(revtuple._fields, _fields)) return revtuple(*values) except: log.error(revtuple) log.error(_fields) raise return tuple(izip_longest(fields, _fields, fillvalue=None))
_missing = unichr(822)
[docs]class cached_property(object): """Decorator that converts a function into a lazy property. The function wrapped is called the first time to retrieve the result and then that calculated result is used the next time you access the value:: class Foo(object): @cached_property def foo(self): # calculate something important here return 42 The class must have a `__dict__` (e.g. be a subclass of object) :copyright: BSD see: """ def __init__(self, func, name=None, doc=None): self.__name__ = name or func.__name__ self.__module__ = func.__module__ self.__doc__ = doc or func.__doc__ self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, _type=None): if obj is None: return self value = obj.__dict__.get(self.__name__, _missing) if value is _missing: value = self.func(obj) obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value return value # TODO: sarge
[docs]def sh(cmd, ignore_error=False, cwd=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute a command with subprocess.Popen and block until output Args: cmd (tuple or str): same as subprocess.Popen args ignore_error (bool): if False, raise an Exception if p.returncode is not 0 cwd (str): path to current working directory Returns: str: command execution stdout Raises: Exception: if ignore_error is true and returncode is not zero .. note:: this executes commands with ``shell=True``: careful with shell-escaping. """ kwargs.update({ 'shell': True, 'cwd': cwd, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE}) log.debug('cmd: %s %s' % (cmd, kwargs)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) p_stdout = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode and not ignore_error: raise Exception("Subprocess return code: %d\n%r\n%r" % ( p.returncode, cmd, p_stdout)) return p_stdout
[docs]class Repository(object): """ Abstract Repository class from which VCS-specific implementations derive Attributes: label (str): vcs name (e.g. "hg") prefix (str): vcs folder name (e.g. ".hg") preparse (callable): pre-processing function for vcs log output fsep (str): field separator / record delimiter lsep (str): log output record separator / delimiter fields (list of tuples): (colname, vcs formatter, postprocess_callable) clone_cmd (str): name of commandline clone command (e.g. "clone") """ # These are defaults which can/should be redefined by subclasses label = None prefix = None preparse = None fsep = DEFAULT_FSEP lsep = DEFAULT_LSEP fields = [] clone_cmd = 'clone' repo_abspath_cmd = '--repo-path' checkout_rev_cmd = 'checkout -r' checkout_branch_cmd = 'checkout' new_branch_cmd = 'branch' # hg, bzr, svn: branch // git: checkout -b pull_cmd = 'pull' push_cmd = 'push' incoming_cmd = 'incoming' outgoing_cmd = 'outgoing' def __init__(self, fpath): """ Create a new Repository instance Args: fpath (str): path (relative or absolute) to repository """ self.fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath) self.symlinks = [] def __new__(cls, name): self = super(Repository, cls).__new__(cls, name) self._tuple = self._namedtuple return self @property def relpath(self): """ Determine the relative path to this repository Returns: str: relative path to this repository """ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) relpath = os.path.relpath(self.fpath, here) return relpath @cached_property def _namedtuple(cls): return namedtuple( ''.join((str.capitalize(cls.label), "Rev")), (f[0] for f in cls.fields))
[docs] def unique_id(self): """ Determine a "unique id" for this repository Returns: str: a "unique id" for this repository """ pass
[docs] def status(self): """ Run the repository status command and return stdout Returns: str: stdout output of Repository status command """ pass
[docs] def remote_url(self): """ Determine the primary remote url for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository """ pass
[docs] def diff(self): """ Run the repository diff command to compare working directory with 'tip' Returns: str: stdout output of Repository diff command """ pass
[docs] def current_id(self): """ Determine the current revision identifier for the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: revision identifier """ pass
[docs] def branch(self): """ Determine the branch name of the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: branch name """ pass
[docs] def last_commit(self): """ Get and parse the most recent Repository revision Returns: tuple: Repository log tuple """ return self.log_iter(maxentries=1).next()
[docs] def log(self, n=None, **kwargs): """ Run the repository log command Returns: str: output of log command """ pass
[docs] def itersplit_to_fields(self, _str): """ Split (or parse) repository log output into fields Returns: tuple: self._tuple(*values) """ if self.preparse: _str = self.preparse(_str) _fields = itersplit(_str, self.fsep) try: values = ( t[1] for t in izip_longest(self._tuple._fields, _fields)) return self._tuple(*values) except: log.error(self._tuple) log.error(_fields) raise
_parselog = itersplit_to_fields
[docs] def log_iter(self, maxentries=None, template=None, **kwargs): """ Run the repository log command, parse, and yield log tuples Yields: tuple: self._tuple """ # op = # "hg log %s --template" # % (maxentries and ('-l%d' % maxentries) or '')), # ignore_error=True # ) template = repr(template or self.template) op = self.log(n=maxentries, template=template, **kwargs) if not op: return print(op) for l in itersplit(op, self.lsep): l = l.strip() if not l: continue try: yield self._parselog(l,) except Exception: log.error("%s %r" % (str(self), l)) raise return # def search_upwards(): # """ Implemented for Repositories that store per-directory # metadata """ # pass
[docs] def full_report(self): """ Show origin, last_commit, status, and parsed complete log history for this repository Yields: str: report lines """ yield '' yield "# %s" % self.origin_report().next() yield "%s [%s]" % (self.last_commit, self) if self.status: for l in self.status.split('\n'): yield l yield '' if hasattr(self, 'log_iter'): for r in self.log_iter(): yield r return
[docs] def eggname(self): """ Returns: str: basename of repository path (e.g. for pip_report) """ return os.path.basename(self.fpath)
[docs] def to_normal_url(cls, url): """ Args: url (str): repository URL (potentially with hg schemes) Returns: str: normal repository URL (un-hg-schemes-ed repository URL) """ return url
[docs] def recreate_remotes_shellcmd(self): """ Yields: str: shell command blocks to recreate repo config """ # self.overwrite_hg_paths(output) if self.cfg_file: yield "cat > %r << _EOF_" % self.cfg_file yield self.read_cfg_file() yield "_EOF_"
[docs] def str_report(self): """ Yields: str: pretty-formatted representation of ``self.to_dict`` """ yield pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
[docs] def json_report(self): for l in self.to_json().splitlines(): yield l
[docs] def sh_report(self, full=True, latest=False): """ Show shell command necessary to clone this repository If there is no primary remote url, prefix-comment the command Keyword Arguments: full (bool): also include commands to recreate branches and remotes latest (bool): checkout repo.branch instead of repo.current_id Yields: str: shell command necessary to clone this repository """ def pathvar_repr(var): _var = var.replace('"', '\"') return '"%s"' % _var output = [] if not self.remote_url: output.append('#') output.extend([ self.label, self.clone_cmd, pathvar_repr(self.remote_url), # TODO: shell quote? pathvar_repr(self.relpath), ';' ]) yield '' yield ' '.join(output) if full: checkout_rev = self.current_id # if latest: checkout_rev = self.branch checkout_branch_cmd = ' '.join(( self.label, self.checkout_branch_cmd, self.branch, self.repo_abspath_cmd, pathvar_repr(self.relpath))) + ' ;' checkout_rev_cmd = ' '.join(( self.label, self.checkout_rev_cmd, repr(checkout_rev), self.repo_abspath_cmd, pathvar_repr(self.relpath))) + ' ;' if latest: checkout_cmd = checkout_branch_cmd comment = checkout_rev_cmd else: checkout_cmd = checkout_rev_cmd comment = checkout_branch_cmd yield checkout_cmd yield '### ' + comment # output.extend([checkout_cmd, ';', ' ###', comment]) for x in self.recreate_remotes_shellcmd(): yield x # TODO: recreate remotes
[docs] def pip_report(self): """ Show editable pip-requirements line necessary to clone this repository Yields: str: pip-requirements line necessary to clone this repository """ comment = '#' if not self.remote_url else '' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.fpath, '')): yield u"%s-e %s+%s@%s#egg=%s" % ( comment, self.label, self.to_normal_url(self.remote_url), self.current_id, self.eggname) return
[docs] def origin_report(self): """ Yields: str: ``label://fpath = remote_url`` """ yield "%s://%s = %s" % ( self.label, self.fpath, self.remote_url, # revid ) return
[docs] def status_report(self): """ Yields: str: sh_report, last_commit, and repository status output """ yield '######' yield self.sh_report().next() yield self.last_commit yield self.status yield ""
[docs] def hgsub_report(self): """ Yields: str: .hgsubs line for this repository """ if self.relpath == '.': return yield "%s = [%s]%s" % ( self.fpath.lstrip('./'), self.label, self.remote_url)
[docs] def gitmodule_report(self): """ Yields: str: .gitmodules configuration lines for this repository """ fpath = self.relpath if fpath == '.': return yield '[submodule "%s"]' % fpath.replace(os.path.sep, '_') yield " path = %s" % fpath yield " url = %s" % self.remote_url yield ""
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """ Returns: str: ``label://fpath`` """ return '%s://%s' % (self.label, self.fpath)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns: str: ``label://fpath`` """ return self.__unicode__()
[docs] def mtime(self, fpath=None): """ Returns: str: strftime-formatted mtime (modification time) of fpath """ return dtformat( datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(fpath or self.fpath)))
[docs] def ctime(self, fpath=None): """ Returns: str: strftime-formatted ctime (creation time) of fpath """ return dtformat( datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(fpath or self.fpath)))
[docs] def lately(self, count=15): """ Show ``count`` most-recently modified files by mtime Yields: tuple: (strftime-formatted mtime, self.fpath-relative file path) """ excludes = '|'.join(('*.pyc', '*.swp', '*.bak', '*~')) cmd = ('''find . -printf "%%T@ %%p\\n" ''' '''| egrep -v '%s' ''' '''| sort -n ''' '''| tail -n %d''') % (excludes, count) op = for l in op.split('\n'): l = l.strip() if not l: continue mtime, fname = l.split(' ', 1) mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(mtime)) mtimestr = dtformat(mtime) yield mtimestr, fname
[docs] def sh(self, cmd, ignore_error=False, cwd=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Run a command with the current working directory set to self.fpath Returns: str: stdout output of wrapped call to ``sh`` (``subprocess.Popen``) """ kwargs.update({ 'shell': True, 'cwd': cwd or self.fpath, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE}) log.debug('cmd: %s %s' % (cmd, kwargs)) return sh(cmd, ignore_error=ignore_error, **kwargs) # p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) # p_stdout = p.communicate()[0] # if p.returncode and not ignore_error: # raise Exception("Subprocess return code: %d\n%r\n%r" % ( # p.returncode, cmd, p_stdout)) # return p_stdout #.rstrip()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Cast this Repository to a dict Returns: dict: this Repository as a dict """ return self.__dict__
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): values = [ ('type', self.label), ('relpath', self.relpath), ('remote_url', self.remote_url), ('branch', self.branch), ('rev', self.current_id), ('cfg', self.read_cfg_file()), ('status', self.status), ('fpath', self.fpath), ] return Dict(values)
[docs] def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_json_dict(), indent=2)
@property def cfg_file(self): return None
[docs] def read_cfg_file(self): with open(self.cfg_file, 'r') as f: return
[docs]class MercurialRepository(Repository): """ Mercurial Repository subclass Attributes: label (str): vcs name (e.g. "hg") prefix (str): vcs folder name (e.g. ".hg") preparse (callable): pre-processing function for vcs log output fsep (str): field separator / record delimiter lsep (str): log output record separator / delimiter fields (list of tuples): (colname, vcs formatter, postprocess_callable) clone_cmd (str): name of commandline clone command (e.g. "clone") template (str): concatenated log output template """ label = 'hg' prefix = '.hg' clone_cmd = 'clone' repo_abspath_cmd = '-R' # hg checkout_rev_cmd = 'checkout -r' checkout_branch_cmd = 'checkout' checkout_branch_hard_cmd = 'checkout -C' new_branch_cmd = 'branch' # hg, bzr, svn? pull_cmd = 'pull' push_cmd = 'push' incoming_cmd = 'incoming' outgoing_cmd = 'outgoing' fields = ( ('datestr', '{date|isodatesec}', parse_date), ('noderev', '{node|short}', None), ('author', '{author|firstline}', None), ('tags', '{tags}', lambda x: x.strip().split()), ('desc', '{desc}', None), ) template = ''.join(( DEFAULT_FSEP.join(f[1] for f in fields), DEFAULT_LSEP) )
[docs] def sh(self, *args, **kwargs): _output = super(MercurialRepository, self).sh(*args, **kwargs) output = [] for line in _output.splitlines(): if line.startswith('*** failed to import extension'): log.debug(line) output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output)
@property def unique_id(self): """ Determine a "unique id" for this repository Returns: str: fpath of this repository """ return self.fpath #'hg id -r 0').rstrip() @cached_property
[docs] def status(self): """ Run the repository status command and return stdout Returns: str: stdout output of ``hg status`` command """ return'hg status').rstrip()
[docs] def remote_url(self): """ Determine the primary remote url for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``hg showconfig paths.default``) """ return'hg showconfig paths.default', ignore_error=True).strip()
[docs] def remote_urls(self): """ Get all configured remote urls for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``hg showconfig paths.default``) """ return'hg showconfig paths')
@property def cfg_file(self): return os.path.join(self.relpath, '.hg', 'hgrc')
[docs] def overwrite_hg_paths(self, text): section_header = '[paths]\n' hgrc_path = self.cfg_file hgrc_text = self.read_cfg_file() paths_start = hgrc_text.find(section_header) if paths_start: paths_end = hgrc_text.find('\n[', paths_start + 1) if paths_end == -1: paths_end = len(hgrc_text) - 1 startchar = paths_start + len(section_header) endchar = paths_end existing = hgrc_text[startchar:endchar] print("EXISTING") print(existing) if existing == text: print("SAME ... skipping") else: import shutil shutil.copy2(hgrc_path, hgrc_path + ".bkp") new_text = hgrc_text[:startchar] + text + hgrc_text[:endchar] print("NEW TEXT") print(new_text) with open(hgrc_path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_text) return hgrc_text, new_text
[docs] def diff(self): """ Run the repository diff command to compare working directory with 'tip' Returns: str: stdout output of ``hg diff -g`` """ return'hg diff -g')
[docs] def current_id(self): """ Determine the current revision identifier for the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: revision identifier (``hg id -i``) """ return'hg -q id -i').rstrip().rstrip('+') # TODO
[docs] def branch(self): """ Determine the branch name of the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: branch name (``hg branch``) """ return'hg -q branch')
[docs] def log(self, n=None, **kwargs): """ Run the repository log command Returns: str: output of log command (``hg log -l <n> <--kwarg=value>``) """ # TODO: nested generator return' '.join(( 'hg log', ('-l%d' % n) if n else '', ' '.join( ('--%s=%s' % (k, v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.iteritems() ) )) )
[docs] def loggraph(self): """ Show the log annotated an with ASCII revlog graph Returns: str: stdout output from ``hg log --graph`` """ return'hg log --graph')
[docs] def unpushed(self): """ Show outgoing changesets Raises: NotImplementedError: always """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def serve(self): """ Run the ``hg serve`` command """ return'hg serve') # @cached_property # TODO: once
@staticmethod def _get_url_scheme_regexes(): """ Get configured mercurial schemes and convert them to regexes Returns: tuple: (scheme_name, scheme_value, compiled scheme_regex) """ output = sh("hg showconfig | grep '^schemes.'").split('\n') log.debug(output) schemes = ( l.split('.', 1)[1].split('=') for l in output if '=' in l) regexes = sorted( ((k, v, re.compile(v.replace('{1}', '(.*)')+'(.*)')) for k, v in schemes), key=lambda x: (len(x[0]), x), reverse=True) return regexes @classmethod
[docs] def to_hg_scheme_url(cls, url): """ Convert a URL to local mercurial URL schemes Args: url (str): URL to map to local mercurial URL schemes example:: # = git:// >> remote_url = git://' >> to_hg_scheme_url(remote_url) << gh://westurner/dotfiles """ regexes = cls._get_url_scheme_regexes() for scheme_key, pattern, regex in regexes: match = regex.match(url) if match is not None: groups = match.groups() if len(groups) == 2: return u''.join( scheme_key, '://', pattern.replace('{1}', groups[0]), groups[1]) elif len(groups) == 1: return u''.join( scheme_key, '://', pattern, groups[0])
[docs] def to_normal_url(cls, url): """ convert a URL from local mercurial URL schemes to "normal" URLS example:: # = git:// # remote_url = "gh://westurner/dotfiles" >> to_normal_url(remote_url) << 'git://' """ regexes = cls._get_url_scheme_regexes() _url = url[:] for scheme_key, pattern, regex in regexes: if _url.startswith(scheme_key): if '{1}' in pattern: _url = pattern.replace('{1}', _url.lstrip(scheme_key)) else: _url = (pattern + _url.lstrip(scheme_key).lstrip('://')) return _url # def to_pip_compatible_url(cls, url): # PATTERNS = ( # ('gh+ssh://',''), # ('bb+ssh://', ''), # ) # ('gcode', '') , # ('gcode+svn', ''), # for p in PATTERNS: # url = url.replace(*p)
[docs]class GitRepository(Repository): """ Git Repository subclass Attributes: label (str): vcs name (e.g. "hg") prefix (str): vcs folder name (e.g. ".hg") preparse (callable): pre-processing function for vcs log output fsep (str): field separator / record delimiter lsep (str): log output record separator / delimiter fields (list of tuples): (colname, vcs formatter, postprocess_callable) clone_cmd (str): name of commandline clone command (e.g. "clone") template (str): concatenated log output template """ label = 'git' prefix = '.git' clone_cmd = 'clone' repo_abspath_cmd = '-C' # git checkout_rev_cmd = 'checkout -r' checkout_branch_cmd = 'checkout' checkout_branch_hard_cmd = 'checkout -C' new_branch_cmd = 'checkout -b' # git pull_cmd = 'pull' push_cmd = 'push' incoming_cmd = 'incoming' outgoing_cmd = 'outgoing' fields = ( ('datestr', '%ai', None, parse_date), ('noderev', '%h', None), ('author', '%an', None), ('tags', '%d', lambda x: x.strip(' ()').split(', ')), ('desc', '%s ', None), ) template = ''.join(( DEFAULT_FSEP.join(f[1] for f in fields), DEFAULT_LSEP) ) @property def unique_id(self): """ Determine a "unique id" for this repository Returns: str: fpath of this repository """ return self.fpath @cached_property
[docs] def status(self): """ Run the repository status command and return stdout Returns: str: stdout output of ``hg status`` command """ return'git status -s')
[docs] def remote_url(self): """ Determine the primary remote url for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``git config remote.origin.url``) """ return'git config remote.origin.url', ignore_error=True).strip() # .split('=',1)[1]# *
[docs] def remote_urls(self): """ Get all configured remote urls for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``git config -l | grep "url"``) """ return'git config -l | grep "url"', ignore_error=True).strip() # .split('=',1)[1]# *
[docs] def current_id(self): return'git rev-parse --short HEAD').rstrip()
[docs] def diff(self): """ Run the repository diff command to compare working directory with 'tip' Returns: str: stdout output of ``git diff`` """ return'git diff')
[docs] def branch(self): """ Determine the branch name of the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: branch name (``git branch``) """ # return'git branch') # parse for '*' return'git symbolic-ref --short HEAD').rstrip()
[docs] def log(self, n=None, **kwargs): """ Run the repository log command Returns: str: output of log command (``git log -n <n> <--kwarg=value>``) """ kwargs['format'] = kwargs.pop('template') cmd = ' '.join(( 'git log', ('-n%d' % n) if n else '', ' '.join( ('--%s=%s' % (k, v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.iteritems() ) )) try: output = if "fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'" in output: return output return output except Exception as e: e return
[docs] def loggraph(self): """ Show the log annotated an with ASCII revlog graph Returns: str: stdout output from ``git log --graph`` """ return'git log --graph')
[docs] def last_commit(self): """ Get and parse the most recent Repository revision Returns: tuple: Repository log tuple """ return self.log_iter(maxentries=1).next() # def __log_iter(self, maxentries=None): # rows = self.log( # n=maxentries, # format="%ai ||| %h ||| %an ||| %d ||| %s ||||\n",) # if not rows: # return # for row in rows.split('||||\n'): # row = row.strip() # if not row: # continue # try: # fields = (s.strip() for s in row.split('|||')) # datestr, noderev, author, branches, desc = fields # except ValueError: # print(str(self), row, fields) # raise # branches = branches.strip()[1:-1] # yield datestr, (noderev, author, branches, desc) # return
[docs] def unpushed(self): """ Returns: str: stdout output from ``git log master --not --remotes='*/master'``. """ return"git log master --not --remotes='*/master'")
[docs] def serve(self): """ Run the ``git serve`` command """ return"git serve")
@property def cfg_file(self): return os.path.join(self.relpath, '.git', 'config')
[docs]class BzrRepository(Repository): """ Bzr Repository subclass Attributes: label (str): vcs name (e.g. "hg") prefix (str): vcs folder name (e.g. ".hg") preparse (callable): pre-processing function for vcs log output fsep (str): field separator / record delimiter lsep (str): log output record separator / delimiter fields (list of tuples): (colname, vcs formatter, postprocess_callable) clone_cmd (str): name of commandline clone command (e.g. "clone") field_trans (dict): mapping between bzr field outputs and tuple fields logrgx (rgx): compiled regex for parsing log message fields """ label = 'bzr' prefix = '.bzr' template = None lsep = '-'*60 fsep = '\n' fields = ( ('datestr', None, parse_date), ('noderev', None, None), ('author', None, None), ('tags', None, None), ('branchnick', None, None), ('desc', None, None), ) field_trans = { 'branch nick': 'branchnick', 'timestamp': 'datestr', 'revno': 'noderev', 'committer': 'author', 'message': 'desc' } logrgx = re.compile( r'^(revno|tags|committer|branch\snick|timestamp|message):\s?(.*)\n?') clone_cmd = 'branch' @property def unique_id(self): """ Determine a "unique id" for this repository Returns: str: fpath of this repository """ return self.fpath @cached_property
[docs] def status(self): """ Run the repository status command and return stdout Returns: str: stdout output of ``bzr status`` command """ return'bzr status')
[docs] def remote_url(self): """ Determine the primary remote url for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``bzr info | egrep '^ parent branch:` | awk '{ print $3 }'``) """ return """bzr info | egrep '^ parent branch:' | awk '{ print $3 }'""", ignore_error=True)
[docs] def diff(self): """ Run the repository diff command to compare working directory with 'tip' Returns: str: stdout output of ``bzr diff`` """ return'bzr diff')
[docs] def current_id(self): """ Determine the current revision identifier for the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: bazaar revision identifier (``bzr version-info --custom --template='{revision_id}'``) """ return"bzr version-info --custom --template='{revision_id}'")
[docs] def branch(self): """ Determine the branch name of the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: branch nick (``bzr nick``) """ return'bzr nick')
[docs] def log(self, n=None, template=None): """ Run the repository log command Returns: str: output of log command (``bzr log -l <n>``) """ return' '.join(( 'bzr log', '-l%d' % n if n else ''))) # @cached_property # def last_commit(self): # op ='bzr log -l1') # return self._parselog(op)
@classmethod def _logmessage_transform(cls, s, by=2): """ Preprocess/cleanup a bzr log message before parsing Args: s (str): log message string by (int): cutoff threshold for log message length Returns: str: preprocessed log message string """ if len(s) >= by: return s[by:].strip('\n') return s.strip('\n') @classmethod def _parselog(self, r): """ Parse bazaar log file format Args: r (str): bzr revision identifier Yields: dict: dict of (attr, value) pairs :: $ bzr log -l1 ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 1 committer: ubuntu <ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop> branch nick: ubuntu-desktop /etc repository timestamp: Wed 2011-10-12 01:16:55 -0500 message: Initial commit """ def __parselog(entry): """ Parse bazaar log file format Args: entry (str): log message string Yields: tuple: (attrname, value) """ bufname = None buf = deque() print(entry) if entry == ['']: return for l in itersplit(entry, '\n'): if not l: continue mobj = self.logrgx.match(l) if not mobj: # " - Log message" buf.append(self._logmessage_transform(l)) if mobj: mobjlen = len(mobj.groups()) if mobjlen == 2: # "attr: value" attr, value = mobj.groups() if attr == 'message': bufname = 'desc' else: attr = self.field_trans.get(attr, attr) yield (self.field_trans.get(attr, attr), value) else: raise Exception() if bufname is not None: if len(buf): buf.pop() len(buf) > 1 and buf.popleft() yield (bufname, '\n'.join(buf)) return kwargs = dict(__parselog(r)) # FIXME if kwargs: if 'tags' not in kwargs: kwargs['tags'] = tuple() else: kwargs['tags'].split(' ') # TODO if 'branchnick' not in kwargs: kwargs['branchnick'] = None try: yield kwargs # TODO # return self._tuple(**kwargs) except: log.error(r) log.error(kwargs) raise else: log.error("failed to parse: %r" % r)
[docs]class SvnRepository(Repository): """ SVN Repository subclass Attributes: label (str): vcs name (e.g. "hg") prefix (str): vcs folder name (e.g. ".hg") preparse (callable): pre-processing function for vcs log output fsep (str): field separator / record delimiter lsep (str): log output record separator / delimiter fields (list of tuples): (colname, vcs formatter, postprocess_callable) clone_cmd (str): name of commandline clone command (e.g. "clone") """ label = 'svn' prefix = '.svn' fsep = ' | ' lsep = ''.join(('-' * 72, '\n')) template = None fields = ( ('noderev', None, None), ('author', None, None), ('datestr', None, None), ('changecount', None, None), ('desc', None, None), # TODO: ) # def preparse(self, s): # return s# s.replace('\n\n',self.fsep,1) @cached_property
[docs] def unique_id(self): """ Determine a "unique id" for this repository Returns: str: Repository UUID of this repository """ cmdo ='svn info | grep "^Repository UUID"', ignore_error=True) if cmdo: return cmdo.split(': ', 1)[1].rstrip() return None
[docs] def status(self): """ Run the repository status command and return stdout Returns: str: stdout output of ``svn status`` command """ return'svn status')
[docs] def remote_url(self): """ Determine the primary remote url for this Repository Returns: str: primary remote url for this Repository (``svn info | grep "^Repository Root:"``) """ return ('svn info | grep "^Repository Root:"') .split(': ', 1)[1]).strip()
[docs] def diff(self): """ Run the repository diff command to compare working directory with 'tip' Returns: str: stdout output of ``svn diff`` """ return'svn diff')
[docs] def current_id(self): """ Determine the current revision identifier for the working directory of this Repository Returns: str: revision identifier (``svn info | grep "^Revision: "``) """ # from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # info = ET.fromstringlist('svn info --xml')) # return info.find('entry').get('revision') return ('svn info | grep "^Revision: "') .split(': ', 1)[1].strip())
[docs] def log(self, n=None, template=None, **kwargs): """ Run the repository log command Returns: str: output of log command (``svn log -l <n> <--kwarg=value>``) """ return (' '.join(( 'svn log', ('-l%n' % n) if n else '', ' '.join(('--%s=%s' % (k, v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()) )) ) )
@cached_property def _last_commit(self): """ Retrieve the most recent commit message (with ``svn log -l1``) Returns: tuple: (datestr, (revno, user, None, desc)) :: $ svn log -l1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r25701 | bhendrix | 2010-08-02 12:14:25 -0500 (Mon, 02 Aug 2010) | 1 line added selection range traits to make it possible for users to replace ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. note:: svn log references the svn server """ op ='svn log -l1') data, rest = op.split('\n', 2)[1:] revno, user, datestr, lc = data.split(' | ', 3) desc = '\n'.join(rest.split('\n')[1:-2]) revno = revno[1:] # lc = long(lc.rstrip(' line')) return datestr, (revno, user, None, desc) @cached_property def __last_commit(self): """ Retrieve the most recent commit message (with ``svn info``) Returns: tuple: (datestr, (revno, user, None, desc)) $ svn info Path: . URL: Repository Root: Repository UUID: d0ad5f6e-b329-0410-b51c-492c9c4f233d Revision: 378 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: chimezie Last Changed Rev: 378 Last Changed Date: 2011-05-01 01:31:38 -0500 (Sun, 01 May 2011) """ op ="svn info") if not op: return None author, rev, datestr = op.split('\n')[7:10] author = author.split(': ', 1)[1].strip() rev = rev.split(': ', 1)[1].strip() datestr = datestr.split(': ', 1)[1].split('(', 1)[0].strip() return datestr, (rev, author, None, None) @cached_property
[docs] def last_commit(self): """ Get and parse the most recent Repository revision Returns: tuple: Repository log tuple """ return self.log_iter().next() # @cached_property
[docs] def search_upwards(self, fpath=None, repodirname='.svn', upwards={}): """ Traverse filesystem upwards, searching for .svn directories with matching UUIDs (Recursive) Args: fpath (str): file path to search upwards from repodirname (str): directory name to search for (``.svn``) upwards (dict): dict of already-searched directories example:: repo/.svn repo/dir1/.svn repo/dir1/dir2/.svn >> search_upwards('repo/') << 'repo/' >> search_upwards('repo/dir1') << 'repo/' >> search_upwards('repo/dir1/dir2') << 'repo/' repo/.svn repo/dirA/ repo/dirA/dirB/.svn >> search_upwards('repo/dirA') << 'repo/' >> search_upwards('repo/dirA/dirB') >> 'repo/dirB') """ fpath = fpath or self.fpath uuid = self.unique_id last_path = self path_comp = fpath.split(os.path.sep) # [0:-1], [0:-2], [0:-1*len(path_comp)] for n in xrange(1, len(path_comp)-1): checkpath = os.path.join(*path_comp[0:-1 * n]) repodir = os.path.join(checkpath, repodirname) upw_uuid = upwards.get(repodir) if upw_uuid: if upw_uuid == uuid: last_path = SvnRepository(checkpath) continue else: break elif os.path.exists(repodir): repo = SvnRepository(checkpath) upw_uuid = repo.unique_id upwards[repodir] = upw_uuid # TODO: match on REVISION too if upw_uuid == uuid: last_path = repo continue else: break return last_path
REPO_REGISTRY = [ MercurialRepository, GitRepository, BzrRepository, # SvnRepository, # NOP'ing this functionality for now. requires net access. ] REPO_PREFIXES = dict((r.prefix, r) for r in REPO_REGISTRY) REPO_REGEX = ( '|'.join('/%s' % r.prefix for r in REPO_REGISTRY)).replace('.', '\.')
[docs]def listdir_find_repos(where): """ Search for repositories with a stack and ``os.listdir`` Args: where (str): path to search from Yields: Repository subclass instance """ stack = deque([(convert_path(where), '')]) while stack: where, prefix = stack.pop() try: for name in sorted(os.listdir(where), reverse=True): fn = os.path.join(where, name) if os.path.isdir(fn): if name in REPO_PREFIXES: # yield name[1:], fn.rstrip(name)[:-1] # abspath repo = REPO_PREFIXES[name](fn.rstrip(name)[:-1]) yield repo stack.append((fn, prefix + name + '/')) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.error("Skipping: %s", e) else: raise
[docs]def find_find_repos(where, ignore_error=True): """ Search for repositories with GNU find Args: where (str): path to search from ignore_error (bool): if False, raise Exception when the returncode is not zero. Yields: Repository subclass instance """ if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': cmd = ("find", " -E", '-L', # dereference symlinks repr(where), ' -type d', " -regex '.*(%s)$'" % REPO_REGEX) else: cmd = ("find", " -O3 ", '-L', # dereference symlinks repr(where), # " .", " -type d", " -regextype posix-egrep", " -regex '.*(%s)$'" % REPO_REGEX) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) log.debug("find_find_repos(%r) = %s" % (where, cmd)) kwargs = { 'shell': True, 'cwd': where, 'stderr': sys.stderr, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) if p.returncode and not ignore_error: p_stdout = p.communicate()[0] raise Exception("Subprocess return code: %d\n%r\n%r" % ( p.returncode, cmd, p_stdout)) for l in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''): path = l.rstrip() _path, _prefix = os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path) repo = REPO_PREFIXES.get(_prefix) if repo is None: log.error("repo for path %r and prefix %r is None" % (path, _prefix)) if repo: yield repo(_path) # yield repo
[docs]def find_unique_repos(where): """ Search for repositories and deduplicate based on ``repo.fpath`` Args: where (str): path to search from Yields: Repository subclass """ repos = Dict() path_uuids = Dict() log.debug("find_unique_repos(%r)" % where) for repo in find_find_repos(where): # log.debug(repo) repo2 = (hasattr(repo, 'search_upwards') and repo.search_upwards(upwards=path_uuids)) if repo2: if repo2 == repo: continue else: repo = repo2 if (repo.fpath not in repos): log.debug("%s | %s | %s" % (repo.prefix, repo.fpath, repo.unique_id)) repos[repo.fpath] = repo yield repo # dict map between report names and report functions
REPORT_TYPES = dict( (attr, getattr(Repository, "%s_report" % attr)) for attr in ( "str", "json", "sh", # default # "sh_full", # TODO "origin", "full", "pip", "status", "hgsub", "gitmodule", ) )
[docs]def do_repo_report(repos, report='full', output=sys.stdout, *args, **kwargs): """ Do a repository report: call the report function for each Repository Args: repos (iterable): iterable of Repository instances report (string): report name output (writeable): output stream to print to Yields: Repository subclass """ for i, repo in enumerate(repos): log.debug(str((i, repo.origin_report().next()))) try: if repo is not None: reportfunc = REPORT_TYPES.get(report) if reportfunc is None: raise Exception("Unrecognized report type: %r (%s)" % (report, ', '.join(REPORT_TYPES.keys()))) for l in reportfunc(repo, *args, **kwargs): print(l, file=output) except Exception as e: log.error(repo) log.error(report) log.error(e) raise yield repo
[docs]def do_tortoisehg_report(repos, output): """ Generate a thg-reporegistry.xml file from a list of repos and print to output Args: repos (iterable): iterable of Repository subclass instances output (writeable): output stream to which THG XML will be printed """ import operator import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET root = ET.Element('reporegistry') item = ET.SubElement(root, 'treeitem') group = ET.SubElement(item, 'group', attrib=Dict(name='groupname')) def fullname_to_shortname(fullname): """ Return a TortoiseHG-friendly path to a repository Args: fullname (str): path to repository Returns: str: path with $HOME replaced with ``~`` and leading ``./`` stripped """ shortname = fullname.replace(os.environ['HOME'], '~') shortname = shortname.lstrip('./') return shortname for repo in sorted(repos, key=operator.attrgetter('fpath')): fullname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(repo.fpath), os.path.basename(repo.fpath)) shortname = fullname_to_shortname(fullname) if repo.prefix != '.hg': shortname = "%s%s" % (shortname, repo.prefix) _ = ET.SubElement(group, 'repo', attrib=Dict( root=repo.fpath, shortname=shortname, basenode='0'*40)) _ print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', file=output) print("<!-- autogenerated: %s -->" % "TODO", file=output) print(ET.dump(root), file=output)
[docs]def get_option_parser(): """ Build an ``optparse.OptionParser`` for pyrpo commandline use """ import optparse prs = optparse.OptionParser( usage=( "$0 pyrpo [-h] [-v] [-q] [-s .] " "[-r <report>] [--thg]")) prs.add_option('-s', '--scan', dest='scan', action='append', default=[], help='Path(s) to scan for repositories') prs.add_option('-r', '--report', dest='reports', action='append', default=[], help='origin, status, full, gitmodule, json, sh, str, pip, hgsub') prs.add_option('--thg', dest='thg_report', action='store_true', help='Write a thg-reporegistry.xml file to stdout') prs.add_option('--template', dest='report_template', action='store', help='Report template') prs.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',) prs.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true',) return prs
[docs]def main(): """ pyrpo.main: parse commandline options with optparse and run specified reports """ import logging prs = get_option_parser() (opts, args) = prs.parse_args() if not opts.quiet: _format = None _format = "%(levelname)s\t%(message)s" # _format = "%(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=_format) log = logging.getLogger('repos') if opts.verbose: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif opts.quiet: log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) if not opts.scan: opts.scan = ['.'] if opts.scan: # if not opts.reports: # opts.reports = ['pip'] if opts.reports or opts.thg_report: opts.reports = [s.strip().lower() for s in opts.reports] if 'thg' in opts.reports: opts.thg_report = True opts.reports.remove('thg') # repos = [] # for _path in opts.scan: # repos.extend(find_unique_repos(_path)) log.debug("SCANNING PATHS: %s" % opts.scan) repos = chain(*imap(find_unique_repos, opts.scan)) if opts.reports and opts.thg_report: repos = list(repos) # TODO: tee if opts.reports: for report in opts.reports: list(do_repo_report(repos, report=report)) if opts.thg_report: import sys do_tortoisehg_report(repos, output=sys.stdout) else: opts.scan = '.' list(do_repo_report( find_unique_repos(opts.scan), report='sh'))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()